Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Swimming Experience

Sunday was the twins' first time swimming and here are a few pictures. Everett was first in the water and he didn't seem to mind it at first. They both really like baths, so it seemed as if they would like the pool as well, however, this water was pretty cold.

Everett sat in the pool while I held him up and his lip quivered for awhile. He was okay with things until some kid ran by and splashed cold water on him and that was the end of fun for him in the kiddy pool. After trying one more time with him, I decided he might like to float on an inter tube with me, so we did that for awhile. He was much more relaxed!

Isabel had no trouble with the pool. She did most of her swimming with mom, but I took her by the water spouts for awhile and she seemed to like splashing water around. She was in the pool for about 30-40 minutes, just hanging around. She mostly seemed indifferent about it, but wasn't bothered at all.

All in all, it was a pretty good first experience for them. They start swimming lessons at the YMCA the last week of February and I'm sure Everett hopes the water is warmer there! Enjoy the photos.

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