Thursday, March 25, 2010

Isabel the thief

Here is a video from yesterday where Isabel is stealing a pacifier from Everett. She is so proud of herself, while he is not too happy. He doesn't give in the second time, however.
Everett is crawling around the house almost all the time. There are still times where he will play in one area, but those are getting less and less. He also loves to pull himself up on items like his crib and their toy bin. He moves pretty quick when he wants to.
Isabel is still rolling, but started army-crawling this week, so she is not far behind him. She talks a lot and will spin in a circle on the ground to change directions. She also is trying to push herself into a sitting position, like he did a few weeks ago. It is really funny.
Last weekend, Sadie's mom, Rebecca, and friend, Lexi, came to visit while I was in Milwaukee. I know they all had fun hanging with each other at the house and the water park on Sunday. This weekend, Sadie is going up north for a girls scrap booking weekend, so it's me and the twins. I hope they don't pick up any bad habits while watching basketball this weekend...
They both love to eat pancakes, yogurt, cheese (they are from WI), puffs, and oranges. They turned 8 months old, 10 days ago. It has now gone fast, where I thought the beginning was going slow. It must be because they do more things now.

Enjoy the video...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Crawling Boy

Everett has started crawling a lot this week and loves to do it. Most times, he is even laughing while he's in mid-stride. This is just a quick post to show a video of him crawling. Enjoy.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March Madness

Since the last time, as you can imagine, Everett and Isabel have started to do more things, grown, and fought. Yes, it was bound to happen and when you only have one of a certain toy that they both like, it could get ugly. Fortunately, Everett is more laid-back than Isabel. If she steals his toy, he doesn't really care, however, if Everett takes Isabel's current toy, she is less than thrilled, and will tell him about it. They do share very well, for now, and they love to play with each other. They are starting to be more vocal and talk to each other when they play. We've heard stories from many people about twins having their own language and I sometimes wonder if that has already begun.

The things they have done in the last month are: swimming lessons, crawl backwards, sit up, spend a week with my parents, and enjoy the spring air with a walk. They started swimming lessons at the YMCA on February 23rd and they love it. The class is weekly and runs til April 13th. They will be expert swimmers by then, since we have also been taking them to an area hotel water park with their 13-month old friend, Carter, on Thursdays. They certainly enjoy the water and getting out of the house. Also, mom and dad like the long naps they take afterwards.

Everett is crawling backwards and will get where he needs to from that. He tries to go forward, but after 1-2 small steps, he face plants into the floor, but gets up and tries again. He really likes to crawl backwards into a sitting up position and is one proud boy when he does it. Each morning, he is sitting up in his crib. Isabel still rolls everywhere, but sits up to play. She is getting on all fours and thinking about moving, but for now, if she needs to get something, it is easier to roll there.

While we were on vacation, my parents stayed with the twins for a week. They said it was better than any vacation they could have planned. We missed the kids, but had a good time away. I know they had fun with Nana and Papa, as Isabel perfected sitting up with them. They will see them again in mid-April. Sadie's mom is coming here for 4 days next weekend and she is thrilled. It has been since New Year's that she has seen them. I will be in Milwaukee for NCAA basketball.

Not only have the kids gotten out to go swimming, but they have taken a walk with their new double-wide stroller. The weather has been beautiful lately and the snow should all be gone soon. I can't wait to be outside with them all summer. Upcoming events for them include a trip to Minneapolis in mid-April, a long weekend alone with dad, watching a lot of basketball, while Sadie is gone scrap booking in late-March, some quality time with Grandma James, and continued swimming sessions.