Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday Morning

As some of you know, we got our first snow yesterday here in Northeast Wisconsin. It was kind of pretty to watch the huge flakes fall from the sky so slowly. I tried to show the kids, but they seemed rather disinterested. Might be the fact that they cannot see that far....not sure. Football practice was rather wet and cold for the kids and it was mildly disappointing that the snow stopped during practice. Who doesn't love to play football in the snow?
Last night, the twins slept pretty good. Everett did not wake up once from 10pm until 6am, while Isabel was awake at 2:30am and again at 6am. I purchased a new cd over the weekend that is supposed to make them sleeper longer and sounder. Guess what? It works!! It is a 60-minute cd with various sounds that we put on 'repeat' each night. Our electric bill may go up a little, but that is a small price to pay for some sleep at this point.
Isabel is napping in her glider chair and Everett is in the swing thinking about waking up, with some grunts and squawks. Isabel was just fed and is dressed for the day. It's hard dressing them in winter clothes, but it had to come sometime. Once again, I ate Lucky Charms in quiet and it seemed as if Isabel knew that. Once I was done, she was hungry and she let me know it. She also has developed an annoying habit while eating. She likes to stick both of her fists and her bib in her mouth while I am trying to get a bottle in there. Makes for a lot of fun trying to pin her arms down just to feed her. Everett on the other hand, is relaxed as can be during feedings. As long you have food ready, ALL DAY, he is okay. He seems to eat continuously, really.
Sadie is sleeping and I will get a nap once she wakes up. Football practice this afternoon again and the sun is shining this morning. Looks like a great day in Titletown.


  1. Like the blog Jeff! With the girls being older I forget how difficult things can be, I laughed at the thought of the struggle trying to feed Isable with her hands in her mouth. A funny thing about Erin, she had to have at least 2 pacifiers in each hand and one in her mouth when she slept! Hang in there, it will get easier!

  2. Hey there! YAY for Everett for sleeping through the night and Isabel did a good job as well! Everett must like to sleep like his auntie! :) It is snowing here now...just started. Steve is not looking forward to taking down the shovels. We both studied and did homework tonight. Hope football practice went well. I started coaching boys basketball on Tuesday...so far so good! We miss you guys! Love you Give Everett and Isabel kisses from us!

  3. I love when they first figure out how to use their hands and they get in the way of EVERYTHING! Good job on the two swings - surprised it took this long! :)
